Casino: Amigo Bingo
Promotion: B-Day and Anniversary Gifts
Receive up to $100 BingoBucks to celebrate Promotional Details:Receive up to
$100 BingoBucks to celebrate special days (Birthday and Anniversary)
To qualify log into bingo account + receive a special gift on your Birthday + Anniversary with Amigo Bingo. Bonuses increase the higher the loyalty level
Loyalty Level: 10 (100 Birthday; 25 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 9 (75 Birthday; 25 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 8 (60 Birthday; 20 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 7 (60 Birthday; 20 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 6 (55 Birthday; 15 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 5 (55 Birthday; 15 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 4 (55 Birthday; 15 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 3 (50 Birthday; 10 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 2 (50 Birthday; 10 Anniversary)
Loyalty Level: 1 (50 Birthday; 10 Anniversary)
* Players over 80% ratio don't qualify for Birthday or Anniversary gifts
Available to new and existing players 18+ only. Full terms and conditions apply. Please gamble responsiblyAmigo Bingo: B-Day and Anniversary Gifts