Live Casino Hero
Win 1 BTC, Free Chips and Cash RewardsQuick! Registrations close today (3rd August 2020)Details:Participate in challenges + climb leaderboard for a chance to
win cash rewards, free chips, surprise rewards and an epic 1 BTC. Promotion runs from August 3, 00:01 (GMT) until November 2, 23:59 (GMT) or until there is only 1 player remaining on leaderboard
To qualify opt-in,
deposit + wager 5 mBTC (or currency equivalent) on any Live Casino Game during day 1 of challenge. Continue every day + wager 5 mBTC. Last hero to wager 5 mBTC and rank 1st on leaderboard wins 1 BTC. View leaderboard for ranking. Leaderboard updated following day
Note: To take part in campaign, player must wager 5mBTC on 1st day of tournament, August 3 from 00:01 GMT until 23:59 GMT. To remain in challenge, player must continue wagering each day (as explained above)
Winning Bets: Each mountain peak holds its own rewards and treasure. View 'hiking trail' on promotions page for details
Winner announced when only 1 player remains in tournament. Winner receives 1,000 mBTC within 24 hours after tournament has ended
Surprise rewards paid out on August 10, August 18, August 28, September 22 by 17:00 GMT. Continue wagering each day to win
Available to new and existing players 18+ only. Full terms and conditions apply. Please gamble - Live Casino Hero