I suggest that you go to and click on the link to submit a complaint.
It would be helpful if you could include the following:
a. Your user name and/or account number at the casino.
b. Your full name.
c. The e-mail address you used when registering at the casino.
d. The city in which you live.
e. The e-mail address of the last person from the casino to write to you (if you still have it).
f. As many details as possible (when you registered, how much you deposited, how much you won, the reason the casino refuses to pay, etc.)
Gambling Grumbles does not charge you anything for trying to help you.
(It would be best if you were to write using regular capitalization. A letter typed all in capital letters, like your post here, is very liable to be sent to the junk mail box and not be seen.)
Edited by moderator Wednesday, July 07, 2010 9:57:29 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified